Where does the green part of the scallion start and the white part end?

Where does the green part of the scallion start and the white part end? - Blank frame near potted flower

I've been using Hello Fresh for a while now and many of their recipes include the step: "Trim and thinly slice scallions, separating whites from greens." Looking at a typical scallion, I see a clearly green part, a clearly white part, and a relatively substantial greenish-white no man's land in the in the middle.

Picture of a scallion with the different colored regions annotated.

In the recipes, the greens are used as a garnish or sometimes in salsas, so I feel like the super green, super thin parts are most desirable there. The whites, on the other hand, are usually used as a cooked ingredient, sometimes, but not always in something lightly colored like rice. In my gut, the greenish-white part feel like it should be considered a white, up until the part where it loses it's white-ish moisture and softness. Are there any problems (flavor, cooked texture, etc) I should worry about by using that middle section as whites, or where should I draw the line?

Best Answer

If you want to be really, really picky, then the 'green' is each individual leaf as it breaks away from the cylindrical whole.

That leaves you with the decision as to whether to pick off each leaf, giving you a bit of extra 'white' or just make some relatively arbitrary decision after you hit that first leaf 'node'.

So, unless you want to pick off each leaf, then it's 'about here… ish… '

enter image description here

Personally, if I'm being 'a bit picky' I will unwrap the outer layer for the first couple of nodes, where they go unattractively lumpy, purely for aesthetic reasons & include the rest in my 'white' distinction. Once I get far enough I [that I can't be bothered any further] then I pick out any remaining 'white' bits & go all-in for the rest of the greens, until I hit the raggy ends, which join the roots in the compost bag.
Once you've actually cut to the green line, separation for 'fussy distinction' reasons does get easier, as you're no longer dealing with the entirety of the onion & its reluctance to part layers without ripping down to the root - you can just pull bits off & deal with them separately.

Pictures about "Where does the green part of the scallion start and the white part end?"

Where does the green part of the scallion start and the white part end? - Blank frame near potted flower
Where does the green part of the scallion start and the white part end? - Blank poster hanging near window
Where does the green part of the scallion start and the white part end? - Interior of bathroom with washbasin and mirror

Quick Answer about "Where does the green part of the scallion start and the white part end?"

It depends on the recipe, but most commonly I would cut across the whole bunch where the lowest clearly green part is. In your photo, that would be about 1/3 way down from the top of ???. I would call the part above the cut green and that below white. It depends somewhat on the recipe.

What part of scallion is white and green?

A scallion is made up of a white base that has not fully developed into a bulb and long green stalks that resemble chives. Both the white and the green parts are used in recipes and eaten both raw and cooked.

Where does the green part of a scallion start?

The scallions has essentially three separate parts, the tops, which are green. The bottom which is white. And the bulb/beard which is the very very end of the green onion. The white part of the green onion has the most flavor, and the green is great as a colorful garnish.

Where does the white of a green onion end?

Which Part of the Green Onion to Use. In most recipes that you will be cooking scallions or green onions, you'll use the white and the pale green portion of the onion that's just above the root. But the darker green leaves are a delicious garnish for everything from soups to casseroles without any cooking needed.

Spring Onion vs. Green Onions - What's the Difference?

More answers regarding where does the green part of the scallion start and the white part end?

Answer 2

The classic "high dining" answer is as you propose: the tender light green part gets kept with the white, while the mature part of the leaf gets removed and thrown away, or used for something different than the white part. This applies also to leeks.

The practical answer is: as you like it. Not everybody follows the French culinary traditions, and there are people who use the whole plant, as well as those who use only the green part, throwing out the white. You can easily experiment with this and decide which you like best, it is unlikely that you will get anything more terrible than a snot-colored vichyssoisse.

Answer 3

It varies a lot. In Chinese cuisine, where scallions are extremely commonly used, the dark green end is used for garnish, while the lighter part and white end are usually used as an aromatic with ginger and garlic.

A few examples from my favorite Chinese cooking channel, here's a recipe for scallion pancakes that cuts somewhere in the middle of the light green section:


If you watch videos from that channel (almost all of which incorporate scallions or something similar), you will see that many different choices are made. If you are going for a garnish, only the dark green ends would usually be used, but sometimes you do see the method of julienning the lighter part and blanching in ice water to cause them to curl up, then using as garnish. Sometimes the entire length is used, chopped into sections 1-2 inches long, or sometimes cut on a diagonal. It's really up to you and what you prefer and what recipe you're making, scallions are extremely versatile!

Answer 4

It depends on the recipe, but most commonly I would cut across the whole bunch where the lowest clearly green part is. In your photo, that would be about 1/3 way down from the top of ???. I would call the part above the cut green and that below white. It depends somewhat on the recipe. If green color is a distraction I will cut off more greens and probably not use them at all. Try it and see what you like. One of the great things about cooking is you do a lot of it. If one dinner isn't perfect, you will learn and the next will be better.

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Images: Monstera, Monstera, Monstera, Max Vakhtbovych