Category "vegetables"

Is it possible to preserve color in steamed vegetables?

When I steam green vegetables, like broccoli, they come out bright green. A few minutes later though, and they have darkened and dulled. Is this a symptom of co

Preparing eggplant with less oil

I love cooking with eggplant (or aubergine/brinjal in your specific English flavor). However to get rid of the bitter taste and slightly spongy texture, I end

How to keep fruits and vegetables fresh

I enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables, but the problem is that they seem to go back extremely quickly. It isn't realistic for me to go shopping multiple times a

How do you steam vegetables?

Assuming you don't have a "vegetable steamer" that you received as a wedding gift, how do you steam vegetables?

How do I clean kale and other leafy vegetables for cooking?

I'm eating a lot of kale and other leafy vegetables lately, and I'm concerned about removing pesticide residue. Is thoroughly rinsing the leaves in cold water e

Are Green Potatoes OK?

Sometimes when peeling a potato, I find that areas of it are a bright shade of green. Does this mean that: A) The potato is OK to eat? B) The potato is OK to e

How to prepare courgettes/zucchini?

I'm interested in an techniques for preparing courgettes? I cook mine either in a stew or I lightly fry them until brown. Are there any techniques to prepare th

What do I do with a kohlrabi? [closed]

I've recieved several kohlrabi from my CSA, and I have no idea what to do with them. I found a recipe for a curry using kohlrabi, but it wasn'

Heirloom tomatoes

What makes a tomato "heirloom" and what is the difference to conventional tomatoes? Edited: heritage -> heirloom, makes more sense that way.

How briny should the water be when soaking broccoli to remove bugs?

I've seen advice to drop homegrown broccoli in a pot of salted water for a while so the bugs come out. What's the right salt:water ratio and how long should I

Can I use the same board for meat and vegetables?

I've heard that it's not good to use the same board for vegetables and meat, not only when you are making a salad but in general. Something about the bacteria i

How should I use extra summer squash?

My CSA delivers me a lot of summer squash, more than I can actually find the time to cook in a week. Can I freeze the remainder in some way? Is there a quick re

What are some good ways to Roast Peppers

I'm looking for a safe method to remove the skin.

Can you purée without a food processor?

I'd like to experiment with making purées (particularly carrot and parsnip, if it matters), but I don't have a food processor or any other mechanical mix

What are the differences between different types of onions, and when do you use them?

I used a recipe for a mean black-eyed-pea salad this past weekend which called for a red onion. Since I wanted extra onion flavor in the salad anyway, I decide

How to tell the proper amount of oil to use when sautéing vegetables and meat?

A common meal That I make in a pinch is Italian sausage with peppers and onions. I'll cut up a few red and yellow peppers, a whole onion, and throw it in a pan

How to freeze cabbage?

I have a glut of home-grown cabbage at the moment, more than I can eat before it goes bad! Is there any way to freeze cabbage (raw, cooked, whole, shredded...)

Are there culinary applications for carrot tops/greens?

The family members who taught me to cook have always tossed carrot tops/greens into the compost pile or the trash (and my regular grocery store carries carrots

How do I glaze vegetables?

I'm looking to glaze some carrots, maybe some beets, and a decent chunk of the rest of the season's worth of farmshare. I'm sure there's plenty of recipes on th

Why would you Parboil Some Vegetables Before Stir-Frying them?

An example would be green beans - some recipes call for parboiling green beans before stir-frying while others do not? Is there a reason behind this?