Category "dough"

Does resting the dough for a long time reduce the need to knead the bread?

In this article by Chef Michael Smith, he mentions a recipe where leaving the dough to rest for 18 hours removes the need to knead the bread. Is this a viable a

What's the easiest dough for a Lemon Pie that still tastes good?

What dough would you recommend for when you need to wrap up a lemon pie fairly quickly?

What is the best flour to use for pizza dough?

I've been making pizza dough and the recipe says to use "good quality flour" but I'm not sure what it means? Are there differences in quality between different

Storing bread dough before baking

I'm looking to make a start in the world of baking bread, and have a quick question: Once my dough is kneaded, proved and ready to go in the oven (i.e. in the

Flaky pie crust for sweet fruit pie: butter, shortening, lard, or combination?

I specify sweet fruit here because I think there would different good answers for a savory or a custard based pie.

What's wrong with my technique in this Belgian Liège Waffle recipe?

I've been using this awesome recipe to make Belgian Liège waffles, but my results are never consistent. Could you guys help me reverse engineer the recip

Thick, moist, fluffy, flavorful pitas

Are there tricks for baking thick and fluffy pita bread? The ones I make come out fine, with an even puff and nice pockets, but they are on the thin side. I w

How to prepare pie dough in bulk at home?

Common knowledge dictates keeping the fats cool and the tools chilled. But when you are preparing more than 8X quantity, this poses some difficulties, or at lea

How do you raise your dough in cold seasons?

It is winter down here in Australia and I find it challenging to find a warm spot to raise my bread dough. What I have been doing is placing the dough in the ov

How to prepare gnocchi dough for mixed ingredients?

After reading a recent post on incorporating vegetables into gnocchi (and presumably of potato/flour based pastas), I tried my own mixture of veggies and it cam

When multiplying in baking, should I follow directions all-at-once or batches?

If I am making pie dough, for instance, is there a reason to prefer doing things in batches, besides it being more manageable for my tools/hands? This would hel

What job is the fat doing when I prepare bread dough, and what to expect if I use the wrong amount?

I've been baking bread for years and no longer really measure the ingredients. But I'm no expert on the science of what I'm doing. I add fat (lard) because I've

What does it mean when dough is referred to as "short"?

I saw this term pop up in a quiche recipe concerning the crust - How can you tell if the problem is too little/too much shortening, or too little/too much liqui

100% Rye Pizza Base Recipes?

I'm looking for a 100% rye pizza base recipe. The recipes I can find all combine the rye with other flours (typically wheat based). I know it is possible to cre

What is special about pierogi dough?

I wanted to make home-made pierogis. Is there a special dough that needs to be used? I wanted the pierogis to be fairly thick - what type of dough would work b

How to use pie weights?

Should something be placed between pie weights (whether using rice, beans, or metal/ceramic beads) and the pie dough? Should the dough still be pricked with a

Why does my pizza dough rise so inconsistently?

I've been trying to make pizza dough from scratch for a while now, but I have real problems getting it to rise... Sometimes it works fine and the dough is good

Dough(s) to hold moist oven dish contents

I have a recipe at home that creates an oven dish with fairly moist contents (curry sauce, creme fraiche, cherries from a can). This specific recipe calls for r

Defrosting pizza dough correctly?

Last time I made pizza dough I was a bit...generous with the ingredients - not a problem, I thought, as I'd read before somewhere that pizza dough is nicely fre

Why does dough break when kneading, and how to prevent/ameliorate it?

I'm very new to bread-making in general; don't assume I'm necessarily doing anything right. During my last attempt at making quick (baking-powder-based) flatbr