Category "substitutions"

What is the difference between baking soda and baking powder?

And can I use one in place of the other in certain recipes?

What ingredients (available in specific regions) can I substitute for parsley?

I have a recipe that calls for fresh parsley. I have substituted other fresh herbs for their dried equivalents but I don't have fresh or dried parsley. Is there

Is there an alternative to cornstarch when used to thicken a pie filling

I made a some pies a couple of days ago. The recipe called for cornstarch and it thicken the filling after it came out of the oven. The only thing is I could ta

Is there a milk-free sour cream?

Is there some kind of milk-free sour cream available, to use as substitute due to an allergy?

Which vinegars are essential to keep on hand?

There seems to be a large variety of different vinegars called for in the various recipes I've been trying out lately. I've ended up with a cabinet full of half

When, if ever, are dried herbs preferable to fresh herbs?

Sometimes I see a recipe call for dried herbs. If I have access to fresh herbs, should I go for fresh herbs instead? Is there any benefit in using dried herbs w

Is there an alternative to condensed milk?

In Denmark we don't have condensed milk in our regular stores and I've actually only seen it in an UK-import store a few years ago. Is there an alternative to i

Best meat replacements for a vegetarian/vegan?

Let's compile a list of vegetarian/vegan meat replacements. Generic replacements: Seitan Tofu Tempeh Quorn Quorn Vegan Alternatives Paneer TVP Commercial fake

Removing fat from a recipe

If I see a recipe I like and it includes a marinade or sauce where butter or oil is a significant ingredient, is there any way to substitute that fat and preser

What are the advantages and disadvantages of various sugars/substitutes?

Such as: Splenda Artificial Sweeteners Sugar "In the Raw" Honey Stevia Molasses Can they be used interchangeably in recipes or do they have to be used at diffe

What is the functional difference between imitation vanilla and true vanilla extract?

When baking or using vanilla, most recipes call for vanilla extract. In the supermarket you can find imitation vanilla flavoring for less money. Obviously the i

What vegan substitutes are available for cheese?

Suppose I want a cheesy-tasting sauce that is vegan. How could I obtain this flavor (or something close to it) without using any actual milk or cheese?

Substitution for Suet in Christmas Pudding

I'm interested in making a traditional Christmas pudding but I've never seen suet available in the stores around here. Assuming I can't find any, what would be

What are some good substitutes for salt for those on low sodium diets?

I try to keep my sodium intake fairly low to ensure that my blood pressure doesn't get too high. Salt is such a common part of cooking, and it's especially dif

Mayonnaise Substitutes

I love pasta salads, tuna salad, sandwiches, and sauces; but I don't really like the texture of mayonnaise or the feeling I get after eating mayonnaise. What m

Resources for determining cooking substitutions

Judging from the number of questions tagged substitutions, this is a common thing to ask. Are there any resources to find substitutions, and what circumstanc

Making (or substitute for) ricotta cheese?

Some of my favorite dishes call for ricotta cheese, be it anything from a lasagna to cannoli. Arguably, this is a very easy thing to find in the States (and pre

How do I make a "baking powder" substitute in a pinch?

Every once in while we run out of "Baking powder". What would be a good recipe for a substitute that you have used that works well?

Daikon in place of pasta

I remember seeing somewhere that one could use daikon in place of pasta, but I can't seem to find how one would prepare it. Have you done this? If so, what sho

Substituting garlic powder for garlic salt?

I love using garlic powder but I also see recipes call for garlic salt. I thought that you could just add garlic powder instead of garlic salt (which of course